Good or safe drivers tend to enjoy the best auto insurance rates. If you have a history of being a safe driver, you will more than likely save money on auto insurance premiums. But you will need to demonstrate a spotless driving record and good driving habits to earn it, though.
What is Safe Driving? Statically Speaking
Safe drivers aren’t part of the dismal driving or road statics since they practice good driving habits, which helps them avoid violations and accidents. Driver behavior has a significant role in how many accidents they get into.
Aggressive driving, defined as switching lanes improperly, failure to stop at a stop sign, not following traffic laws, etc., accounts for the highest risk of vehicle accidents. Between 2003 and 2007, 56% of fatal crashes were reportedly caused by driving recklessly or aggressively.
Speeding contributes to 29% of fatal crashes. Interestingly, this rate is much higher among youngsters, and in particular males between the ages of 15 and 24, which are at a 35% higher risk.
Safe drivers do not drive fast, break laws and drive drunk.
Why Insurance Companies Offer Low Premiums To Safe Drivers?
Safe drivers are at a low risk of crashes, which means that insurers don’t have to process claims, and that means they make a bigger profit. As businesses, insurers want to save money, and paying compensation isn’t the way to do it. More importantly, insurance companies want to encourage safe driving, so safe drivers are incentivized with lower premiums.
When a driver has a so-called ‘claim-free’ status, they are easily identified as safe drivers. Many safe drivers have never been in a fender bender all their lives, or they may have gone for several years without an accident being their fault.
When insurance companies see a person who has a history of avoiding traffic violations, they are seen as safe. That’s what qualifies them for lower premiums.
How Much of A Discount Do Safe Drivers Enjoy?
Safe drivers can earn as much as a 45% discount on their insurance premiums. It is easy, too; all you need is to avoid accidents and traffic violations. Every insurance company that offers car insurance will offer discounts to safe drivers, with some more than others. The discounts range from 20% to 50%, with some offering even more.
However, to qualify, you need to demonstrate that you are committed to driving safely over the longest time possible. Usually, it means driving without incident for three years. Then you need to continue to drive safely to earn more discounts.
In addition to enjoying discounts as a safe driver, you can save more money by taking advantage of safe driver incentives, like installing a telematics device that records your driving behavior. Also, you can ace a defensive driving course, which alone can net you an additional 10% discount.
As you might have already guessed, it is well worth being a safe driver. Not only does it keep you safe, but it saves you money in the process.
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